Thursday, March 10, 2011

The BIG NEWS 'this'.... #2

We got married on Nov 30,2008. We were really enjoying our married life. I just want the world know what a wonderful husband i have. Both of us were not ready for a baby for the next 3-4yrs. we just wanted to enjoy life to the fullest moving all over the world. We went to Singapore and Malaysia for our honeymoon and we were back by Dec 28th .
And 'this' happened in the 3rd month after wedding. I felt sick all the time , lost appetite ,headache, back pain. Then my periods was late. And my husband was making fun of me saying "you might be pregnant... he..he..."...CRAZY...But none of us took this ill seriously.
The next day he(my hubby...i call him from here onwards lets call him 'yetta') just called up one of our family friend who is a Gynecologist and he told her about my symptoms. She suddenly said..."thumbi(well! that's my pet name)is probably pregnant ". That was a big shock for both of us. It was like all our dreams are shattered one fine we were not yet ready to play daddy mommy roles.

The same evening yettan brought a home pregnancy test kit and we tested but it showed up negative result. We were really tensed and the very next day we tested once again. Again it showed negative .So were our minds started changing slowly. And we really started wishing for a baby. After a week Jan 13th 2010, about 10.30 p.m. we tested again .It was one of the best day in our know why...the result showed positive. Yettan and me ...we...were filled with joy and excitement. We even had a second thought about giving up(yeah! that's a truth).Anyway he ran to pass this news to his mom. But i was still confused about presenting 'this' to my parents. For my parents I'm just a 22 year old baby. And they don't expect their baby to have a baby in the 3rd month after their baby's wedding. I was really shy to present this BIG NEW NEWS. So i called up on of my cousin sister who is in Ireland at midnight and told 'this'. She and her husband just asked us to go ahead ...and we got our first 'CONGRATZ' from them. In-fact we didn't sleep that night.
The nest day morning my mom in law gave me a shy smile.hmm! it was really hard for me to face anyone. The we went to my home to meet my mom. Yettan passed 'this' BIG NEWS about the NEWCOMER in our family to my mom.My mom suddenly got up from her seats...she was like OMG! She started crying and laughing together .....strange emotions. She hugged me and all i could do was just smile at her. I asked her not to flash the news for a couple of that we could decide on it . But she just flashed it the same day itself. I was hung up with phone calls...All in the same tone....same...words...."Its ok!...Anyway u should have a baby ...its lil bit early..but its ok....Learn to accept this....Congrats...."Hmmm! I think it was harder for them to believe that i'm pregnant than it was for me. Anyway the 'this' factor started growing in my belly and we just started loving our baby and my belly.

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